Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Unit 8: Question Words and Question Tags

Hello Mdm Asrina,
Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoyed your stay in Singapore. As you guess you know about Singapore already, now it's my turn to know more about Brunei.


1. What the name of your king?

2. Have you ever seen the king of your country face to face?

3. What do you like about Singapore?

4. What do you like about our school?

5. Do you have a pet at home?

6. Do you like to shop in Singapore?

7. How heavy is your luggage?

8. Did you enjoy the food in Singapore and ate a lot here?

I hope you can post your answers soon. Bye-bye and good luck!

1 comment:

SPONGEEY ~ Cheryl . said...

Wa wa wa ! ;x

So many questions !

Did Madam Asrina answer all ?


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